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Being a giant in the Kruger National Park doenst mean you have to be the biggest and tallest animal around, instead there are plenty of giants in the Kruger that are giants to their species. Time to take a look at some of the giants that can be found:

The African Elephant might seem like cheating since it’s the biggest land mammal on earth, but it is actually the largest of the elephant species. Although we dont encounter the other species in the Kruger, it is still worth putting the African Elephant as a Giant of the Kruger.

Though some believe the Kudu to be the largest antelope in the Kruger, the title actually falls to the Eland. This majestic, spiral horned giant has a shoulder height of 1.8m and wears the crown for the largest antelope in the world. These antelope are non-territorial browsers that are fairly common in the Kruger National Park and the outlying areas.

The Kori Bustard is considered a giant of the Kruger because it wears the crown of being the largest flying bird in Africa. The Kori stands at 1.3 meters tall and is a near threatened species. Kori bustards also own the title of being the heaviest flying bird, weighing in at 19 kgs. These flying giants are quite common and can be found throughout Southern and Eastern Africa.

This might come as no surprise but the Ostrich is also considered a Giant because it is the largest Flightless bird in the world. This large bird stands at 2.8m tall and has a total weight of 120kg. This giant can also run at amazing speeds, reaching speeds of 70 km/h. The ostrich almost went extinct during the 18th century but thanks to extensive practice in ostrich farming, the population has greatly increased. Ostrich Farming is now a very effective way to get meat, feathers and leather.

 The Dung Beetle is the largest Beetle in the Kruger National Park and one of the largest species of beetle in the world. These beetles can range in size from 5 mm to 30 mm. These tiny goliaths have enough strength to pull 1 141 times their own weight, depending on the circumstances. They can very commonly be seen rolling around dung balls along the side of the road. These tiny titans, although very common in the Kruger National Park, specifically when on a Kruger safari, are always a welcome sight to see.