The Kruger National Park has a plethora of animals of different species and different variations of these animals that allow you an exciting and everchanging safari Experience. The Antelope of the Kruger National Park are some of the most popular and most common sightings in the park and you can find them everywhere, Though some of the different species are more rare than others. Lets explore some of the antelope in the Kruger National Park:
The single most common antelope in the bushveld and probably the first animal that visitor see when entering the Kruger National Park. These graceful animals have a reddish brown top coat with their undersides pure white. The males have lyre shaped horns that can reach up to 700m in length. They have a black stripe that runs down its back that extends from its rump down to its thigh. The Impala is an animal that browses and grazes which means food is more accessible to them. These animas live in fairly large herds that contain ewes, rams and calves and prefer open fields as well as bushed areas for a quick getaway or protection from predators. These animals are the most common prey in the Park and is the primary food source for many predators.
The Greater Eland is the largest antelope in the world. Males can reach 1.7m at the shoulder and can weigh 900kg easy. Though the Eland has a very bulky build and is quite heavy, it is actually surprisingly agile and can leap great heights. These animals have a slight dewlap and also have a large bump at their necks. Elands show extreme Sexual Dimorphism with the females being much smaller than the males, weighing half of the male’s weight. These animals have a light dusty coloured coat with a patch of dark hair on their foreheads. They have vertical white stripes running down their flanks which are iconic to the Eland. Elands are browser that can feed on a large variety of plant species.
The Klip Springer is an Afrikaans name meaning Rock Jumper. This name is actually very accurate to the animal as this little antelope calls rock faces, mountainous terrain and steep inclines home. This small antelope weighs on average 12kg and only stands at 600mm tall, at the shoulders. This antelope’s body is stocky and small that allows it to easily manoeuvre the rocky terrain it calls home. The Females are slightly larger than the males but the males are the ones that have horns. Their horns are rather sort and have dark rings at the horn Base. They have a coarse haired coat that varies In colour from grey and yellow to brown and red. Their undersides, lips and chin are all coloured white and have a large dark orbital gland on their faces. They are browsing animals that feed on tender shoots, fruits and flowers. They hardly ever eat grass unless there is a food shortage. They are also not dependent on drinking water.